Product description
The Pocket for Travel helps you stay organized and keeps your cord and cables all in one place. It makes your cords easy to find. There are many benefits and wonder features and possible uses for your new favorite organizer pouch for travel.
what can be stored?
- portable battery
- cables
where can it be stored?
- laptop bags
- travel luggage
- suitcase
what it provides
product’s key features
product’s key features
4 elastic bands
Elastic bands hold cables separately and securely.
large mesh pocket with zipper
Additional storage for items of any shape and size. See-through mesh material allows you to easily find what you need.
l-zip pouch design for additional storage
Keeps all your essentials inside and prevent them from falling out.
9” (L) x 1” (W) x 6” (H)
Cotton, polyester, Polyurethane, zinc Alloy
care instruction:
Spot Clean
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designer notes
Some may prefer to disconnect while traveling, but for others, there are chargers, USB cables, power banks, and so many other cables to bring along. All these electronics and cords are a mess waiting to happen, so don’t let it with the Pocket for Travel. Equipped with four elastic slots and a zipped mesh pocket, this travel case keeps cable bundles separate, neat, and easy to find. With its insulated padding and durable, water-resistant exterior, it is ready to brave many destinations and protect its contents. Be at ease, travelers– cord management on the go is simple with the Pocket for Travel!